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Hold-Ups symbol of seduction … And would you wear them?

They are the symbol of sensuality par excellence, especially if combined with a garter belt. Of course, the lace should never be shown for any reason, elegance first of all!

The hold-ups make the leg sinuous, elegant and sexy. The boom of the hold-ups came in the 80s with the miniskirt that in those years gave a breakthrough to women’s clothing. Before then the stockings were handmade, they had no silicone and they were worn with garter belt since the ’30s.

Some advices:

  • If you love lace, wear your hold-ups or stockings with garter belt under soft clothes and baggy pants, because the lace effect under tight clothes is not at all nice to see.
  • Pay close attention to the size, the top, with our without silicone, tends to roll up it it is too tight.
  • If you have soft shapes, you can choose the “Curvy” hold-ups with more comfortable sizes that will allow you to feel at ease and very sexy.
  • For important dinners and ceremonies the stockings must be sheer, fifteen or twenty deniers and remember to bring in your bag a spare pair.

Choose the flowery, polka dots or geometric patterns according to your physicality. As a rule, the hold-up must always be lighter than the shoe. As for the plain coloured opaque products, instead, make fun with the colours, at the end a colourful stocking with a touch of life even in the most worn out dress.

Suggestions to keep your hold-up close fitted:

  • Take care of the silicone part which, if properly held and washed, will last for a long time.
  • We recommend to wash the hold-up by hand with neutral soap and the silicone must not get abrasions. For the best fit, avoid using cosmetics or powder talc before wearing the hold-up in order to keep the silicone lace-band well fitted.
  • Occasionally, lightly rub the silicone bands with cotton soaked in alcohol to clean and restore the original adherence of the bands.
  • The top of the hold-up must be kept in the thigh area and not up to the groin, the best is, at least, 3 — 4 cm under the buttocks.

Чулки несут психологический аспект «предложения» и «доступности». Кружевная резинка чулок обрамляет женское естество в виде праздничной декорации, при этом чулки совершенно не скрывают женское начало, а, наоборот, подчёркивают его не-закрытость.
Это несколько напоминает «день открытых дверей».

— Фотограф Андрей Бородин



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