Александра (29 articles)

How to make socks white again

To make socks white again, you can follow a few simple steps using common household items. First, don’t leave the socks turned inside out while washing as most of the dirt is on the outside bottom of the sole.

Second, avoid using cold water as heavy soil removal requires hot water. Third, wash white socks separately from colored socks or clothes to prevent dye transfer that can make whites look grey or dull.

One effective method is to create a hot water bath by filling a large pot with water and heating it until boiling. Then, add either lemon juice or distilled white vinegar along with heavy-duty laundry detergent to break the bond between soil and sock fibers. Let the socks soak in this solution for at least four hours or overnight for better results. After soaking, wash the socks as usual using heavy-duty detergent and hot or warm water before drying them in an automatic dryer or on a drying rack.

Alternatively, you can use other cleaning products like chlorine bleach, oxygen-based bleach powder, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, or laundry borax added to a hot water bath along with heavy-duty laundry detergent to whiten white socks. However, it’s crucial not to mix cleaning ingredients together as some combinations can be toxic.

To maintain white socks’ brightness, consider presoaking them in a solution of hot water and heavy-duty laundry detergent before washing. Always wash heavily-soiled white socks separately from lightly-soiled ones to prevent premature greying. Additionally, avoid overloading your washer when washing white socks to allow them room to move in the wash water effectively.

Boosting your regular laundry detergent with oxygen-based bleach, laundry borax, or baking soda during the wash cycle can enhance its performance in whitening white socks. Remember that mixing bleach with certain cleaners can be dangerous and toxic.

In summary, by following these steps and tips for washing and keeping white socks white again, you can effectively restore their brightness and cleanliness.


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— Фотограф Андрей Бородин



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