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How Kingly changes the world of apparel and promotional merchandise

Can We Be More Sustainable? See how Kingly changes the world of apparel and promotional merchandise.

We are Kingly, the company that offers rock solid proof of sustainability backed up by our certifications. We are dedicated not only to our customers but to this planet and the footprint we leave behind, because fast fashion is not our style of work. We produce sustainable textile that leaves little to no footprint compared to all our competitors and we have a goal:

To keep Earth safe while we become the absolute leaders in sustainable textile and garment packaging.

«At the heart of our vision is a passion about providing sustainable alternatives to traditional businesses, and providing apparel that contributes to building a better future for all of us and our planet», — says Rob Armour, Managing director of the company.

Our story starts with an idea, an idea that is a reality today. We are for the people, transparent, focused on circularity and fully traceable because we truly care and believe we can do this right. The idea is built from a 360º vision of sustainability, understanding that behind each product there is a universe of development and processes with environmental, social, economic and ethical implications, and that they must be treated with equal importance.

«Our ethical production and sustainably sourced goods are genuine. We’re transparent about our manufacturing methods and supply chains. But making a promise and saying it’s true isn’t always enough. To back up what we say — to build trust and legitimacy — we are totally transparent. We voluntarily share any and all certifications and transaction certificates that are required to show our promises are real», — Rob Armour, Managing director of Kingly.

Here are some facts about our goal to preserve the environment. At Kingly for every sweater produced we save an astonishing 8150 litres of water. One pair of our socks equals 711 litres of precious water preserved due to our upcycled yarn and this is not where it ends! Our packaging is recycled or derived from potato starch and it is compostable, which makes us so environmentally friendly.

«Rob’s our visionaire and in turn I make his sustainable ideas come true, but at the end of the day with determination and passion we obtain our goals and we drive forward with another eco-sustainable product each and every month», — Desislava Traikova, Operations Director.

About Kingly

Kingly is one of Europe’s leading producers of socks & bespoke clothing, promotional textiles, Creative Garment Packaging and Cosmetic products all underpinned by a rapid move towards sustainability. Considered by many to be the fastest and most reliable producer in Europe, we pride ourselves on an unmatched combination of price, quality and service.

Kingly offers an amazing selection of sustainable products backed up by our certifications: SMETA PILLAR 4, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, GOTS, OEKO-TEX, GRS and BCOME Cradle-to-Grave Platform.  All yarns and materials used in the production of our apparel use Oeko-Tex certified materials.

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В XIX-м веке девушки Бэккингемшира считали, что для привлечения парня надо приколоть свои чулки к стене и сказать:
«На стенку вешаю чулки, чтоб сох любимый от тоски.
Пусть он ни отдыха не знает, ни радости, ни сна,
Пока не придёт и не увидит меня».



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